Professional Services

Claims Damage Assessment

Insurance damage claims can be difficult to negotiate without the proper damage assessment. Deploying a professional damage estimator to assess and document the costs of repairs is critical in negotiating damage claims. Insurance adjusters do not have the capability to fully understand the scope of work or the real world costs of a damage claim. On average we discover more than 30% to 40% of verifiable and additional repair costs of all claims. We have assisted on dozens of cases and have never been a part of a losing settlement. At Ness Carmel we deploy a team to assess the damage, record the damage, and estimate the remediation and or loss costs. and issue a CSI Division estimate that can be used as a critical tool for negotiating final costs.

Forensic Damage Investigation

Identifying the source of a construction defect, or investigating damages of an unforeseen or hidden condition in a building or home’s system is crucial in negotiating, or presenting a claim to a subcontractor, contractor, insurance company, jury or mediator.  At Ness Carmel we assemble the team of engineers that will identify the range of damage, cause of damage, and precursors to construction defects.

Expert Witness

Having the ability to interpret the building code against site conditions in a commercial, industrial or residential project is crucial in negotiating, and identifying liability claims. At Ness Carmel we have a team of engineers and a master builder with the experience necessary to interpret the building code and compare it to site conditions. As a Building Contractor for more than 15 years we have ample experience in interpreting the building code, making comparisons to field conditions, and investigating building code violations and deficiencies.